There will be some rain on Saturday night, with drier weather returning on Sunday, along with cloud and a light breeze making temperatures feel "fresher. If so you must blame yourself not your hens Every hen is naturally Inclined to stop laying; during this cold weather It is possible nowevet for you to overcome this natural Inclination It Is not only possible-It Is really very easy AU you have to do Is to mK a ration of Kar-wood poultry Spice in the mash You will very soon, see a remnrl able lmprov ctnent in the egg basket such an imptovement In fact that you will re- solve never lo leave Kanwood out of the evening mash Karsyvood Poultry Spice containing dried and ground insects and organic phosphates is a natural diet for lov;li, It 1 eeps them In perfect physical eondltlon so that they aie able to combat ths Intense cold and maintain full laying activities right throigh winter Although Karswood Is such a certain aid to egg production remembet that It does not loree the birds in any way It cannot for it contains no forcing mixture READ THIS LETTER Dear Sirs - I haye used Karswood Spice lot a con. In a meeting motilium generic iz Chinese banks were a key weakness, paring or reversing gainsmade on Tuesday on concerns of more fundraising in the sectorafter regulators approved a plan for China Merchants Bank to issue 3 billion new A-shares. We are holding the line against broadcasters who continue to make their stations available free over-the-air and online while they demand more from cable customers without delivering any additional value. Maternity leave for women who use surrogate mothers. The latter reductions are implemented in the proposals for Directives to limit total national emissions of air pollution, on the one hand COM final , and to set strict standards for medium-scale combustion plants on the other COM final.
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